
Nurturing Your Feminine Energy

Nurturing Your Feminine EnergyBy Reemus BaileyFebruary, 2023Summary“Nurturing Your Feminine Energy: & The Rise of Divine Femininity” is here to gently guide you on your spiritual journey. In this book, you’ll learn what femininity looks like when it is expressed...

Journey in Divine Union – London

Journey in Divine UnionBy Reemus Bailey5th February 2023SummaryWith a community of over 50k followers, Tiktok influencer Reemus is bringing you "Journe in Divine Union". This London based event is an initiation into the divine feminine and masculine energies. These...

“Healing the Feminine Energy” Book

Healing the Feminine EnergyBy Reemus BaileySeptember, 2022Summary“This book is life-changing” - has been the response of those women worldwide. “Healing the Feminine Energy” is a spiritual guide, written with love and empathy for those who want to nurture their...

Sexual liberation or selectiveness?

I know this goes against the modern principles that are being screamed today but "sexual liberation" is not as empowering as society makes it out to be. And although it is women that tend to fight for it, it is quite visibly clear that sexual “liberation” as it...

Are women sexual objects?

There is a huge on-going debate about the apparent sexualisation of women in today’s society. It appears that feminists are not happy about women being seen as ‘sexual objects’, with their value being based on their sexuality.  In this article series, we will cover...

The Reason Why Men Lie

If you go on any dating app and sweep through the different females looking for a man, one consistent request you’ll see in their profiles is honesty. It is one of the most desired traits (or so it seems). And when you speak to women, one thing you’ll hear is that...

Entertainment Industry Reveals Our Sexual Nature

One of the beauty’s of art is that it provides an acceptable space for certain feelings, ideas and truths to be expressed in a form that is not judged. In fact, there are certain things that are applauded when expressed through art, but when said out loud, it is the...

Creating Attraction: The Male vs Female Energy Polarity

In this generation, people are more confused about gender than any other time in humankind before. Men do not know how to be men and women do not know how to be women. Added to this, men do not know what women like. And women are confused about what men like. It’s all...

Who is the prize in a relationship?

We’ve often heard the phrase “she’s the prize”. It is a phrase that sets the foundation of the mindset that both men and women have in regards to dating. So it is important for us to unpack that belief to find out how far it is true and how far it is a myth.  ...

If Every Partner Is ‘Trash’ Then So Are You

One of the biggest issues in the dating world is the inability to self-reflect and constructively criticise oneself with the aim of improving the quality of your dating strategy. People would rather solely put blame on the people who have wronged them, rather than...

Women Should Not Prioritise Career Over Family

One of the biggest lies that people are told is that money brings happiness. We are sold a myth that being cattle-bots for the economy will also align with our own personal pursuit for fulfilment. This goes for both men and women. But it is doubly deceptive for women,...

Why financial equality is a double-edged sword

In one of the previous articles, we broke down the myth that women are unfairly paid less than men (click to read “Do women get paid less?”). But even though there is equal pay in the Western world, this creates new problems within the dating/marital world and in this...

Do Women Get Paid Less Than Men?

Currently, one of the missions of feminists is to eradicate the apparent inequality of wages between men and women. People of society have been convinced, not by facts or understanding of context behind any facts, but by loud complaints that women are paid lower wages...

As she ages, her options decrease

In the article titled “Why nice guys finish last”, we covered how a woman’s age affects her selection of a mate. In this article, we will briefly address how as a woman ages, her pool of options gradually decreases. This contradicts the popular idea that a woman is...

Why Nice Guys Finish Last: Security

As the famous saying goes “nice guys finish last”. And what this really means is that as a woman approaches, or passes, the age of 30, she goes for the nice guy, who years ago she ignored in favour of having exciting times with the ‘bad boy’. In this article, we will...

A woman should get a man that can upgrade her life

Personally, one of the most interesting facts for me is that a married couple with a wife who earns more than the man is twice as likely to divorce. It’s interesting because despite the fact that in the modern world there is a fight for equality of the sexes, it is...

Do Not Let Feminism Destroy Your Womahood

One of the greatest scams of the modern day era is that women have been convinced that in order to be a better woman, the woman must become a better man. Society has convinced women that they should abandon their womanhood and instead of expressing femininity, they...

What Is Cheating? The Best Definition

In recent years, there have been trends on YouTube where couples are asked individually what particular behaviours define cheating. The point is to see if the partners come up with the same answer.  For example, the question could be “is texting another person...

A Relationship Is A Romantic Contract

You may have heard the expression “we are not on the same page” at some point in the past, when someone is talking about their relationship. Perhaps you were the one saying it or perhaps you were on the receiving end of it. It is an expression used often when people...

Differences in Femininity: Black vs White Women

In this article, we are going to address the differences between white women and black women in the Western world and how they interact with feminine energy. We will gain understanding of what has happened historically in order to create those differences. And this...

What is a ‘real’ man or woman?

A lot of people often use the term ‘real man’ or ‘real woman’. They may say “a real man does this” or “a  real woman does that”. It is clear that we all understand that being able to embody the correct gender role is an ability which is highly respected.  And in the...

A Woman Should Not Wait Until Her 30’s

It is counterproductive for a woman to put off ‘finding a good man’ in favour of work or ‘travelling’, simply because work or travel is not more important than finding a partner. This is especially the case for women because they are hard-wired to look for security in...

The Psychology of What Men And Women Like

Oftentimes, when people talk about what each gender requests in the other, there will be people who believe that both genders are expected to go for the exact same things. This is a delusion. Men and women are different and so are their preferences. This is because...

What Is A Simp? Part 2 – Men With Feminine Energy

In the last article on “What is a simp? - Part 1”, we discussed that a simp is a guy who gives away his value too willingly, decreasing the worth of his value. In part 2, we are going to cover another key component that makes a simp. It is the lack of masculine energy...

Crazy Women Come From No Male Leadership

Girls often brag about being ‘crazy’ and some guys are even vocal about being attracted to girls who are crazy. But craziness is nothing to brag about. The state of being crazy in a relationship is a signal that there is a lack of harmony. And to think it is healthy...

The Spirit of Prostitution, Tricking & Pimps

Many men are happy to trade their money for the company of women. They see it as a fair exchange. Not only that, society (media, and both men/ women) encourage them to do so. You may even see people telling men that spending money on women qualifies them as being a...

Genetic Code of Women – Science of Attraction Review

I recently read the book ‘The Science of Attraction’ by Shane Smith. It is a book in which he breaks down the genetic code of women with the aim of helping men overcome societal conditioning which directly goes against what the woman’s sexual nature has programmed her...

All Women Are Gold Diggers For Something!

It’s pretty well known and understood that a man who rises to power and wealth attracts hordes of women who would have never paid him any attention if they knew him when he wasn’t as well off. In fact, you may have even seen instances where a woman has rejected a man...

Nurturing Your Feminine Energy

Journey in Divine Union – London

“Healing the Feminine Energy” Book

Sexual liberation or selectiveness?

I know this goes against the modern principles that are being screamed today but "sexual liberation" is not as empowering as society makes it out to be. And although it is women that tend to fight for it, it is quite visibly clear that sexual “liberation” as it...

Are women sexual objects?

There is a huge on-going debate about the apparent sexualisation of women in today’s society. It appears that feminists are not happy about women being seen as ‘sexual objects’, with their value being based on their sexuality.  In this article series, we will cover...

The Reason Why Men Lie

If you go on any dating app and sweep through the different females looking for a man, one consistent request you’ll see in their profiles is honesty. It is one of the most desired traits (or so it seems). And when you speak to women, one thing you’ll hear is that...

Entertainment Industry Reveals Our Sexual Nature

One of the beauty’s of art is that it provides an acceptable space for certain feelings, ideas and truths to be expressed in a form that is not judged. In fact, there are certain things that are applauded when expressed through art, but when said out loud, it is the...

Creating Attraction: The Male vs Female Energy Polarity

In this generation, people are more confused about gender than any other time in humankind before. Men do not know how to be men and women do not know how to be women. Added to this, men do not know what women like. And women are confused about what men like. It’s all...
