What Is Cheating? The Best Definition

In recent years, there have been trends on YouTube where couples are asked individually what particular behaviours define cheating. The point is to see if the partners come up with the same answer.  For example, the question could be “is texting another person...

A Relationship Is A Romantic Contract

You may have heard the expression “we are not on the same page” at some point in the past, when someone is talking about their relationship. Perhaps you were the one saying it or perhaps you were on the receiving end of it. It is an expression used often when people...

Differences in Femininity: Black vs White Women

In this article, we are going to address the differences between white women and black women in the Western world and how they interact with feminine energy. We will gain understanding of what has happened historically in order to create those differences. And this...

What is a ‘real’ man or woman?

A lot of people often use the term ‘real man’ or ‘real woman’. They may say “a real man does this” or “a  real woman does that”. It is clear that we all understand that being able to embody the correct gender role is an ability which is highly respected.  And in the...

A Woman Should Not Wait Until Her 30’s

It is counterproductive for a woman to put off ‘finding a good man’ in favour of work or ‘travelling’, simply because work or travel is not more important than finding a partner. This is especially the case for women because they are hard-wired to look for security in...