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Nurturing Your Feminine Energy

Journey in Divine Union – London

“Healing the Feminine Energy” Book

Why Nice Guys Finish Last: Security

As the famous saying goes “nice guys finish last”. And what this really means is that as a woman approaches, or passes, the age of 30, she goes for the nice guy, who years ago she ignored in favour of having exciting times with the ‘bad boy’. In this article, we will...

A woman should get a man that can upgrade her life

Personally, one of the most interesting facts for me is that a married couple with a wife who earns more than the man is twice as likely to divorce. It’s interesting because despite the fact that in the modern world there is a fight for equality of the sexes, it is...

Do Not Let Feminism Destroy Your Womahood

One of the greatest scams of the modern day era is that women have been convinced that in order to be a better woman, the woman must become a better man. Society has convinced women that they should abandon their womanhood and instead of expressing femininity, they...

What Is Cheating? The Best Definition

In recent years, there have been trends on YouTube where couples are asked individually what particular behaviours define cheating. The point is to see if the partners come up with the same answer.  For example, the question could be “is texting another person...

A Relationship Is A Romantic Contract

You may have heard the expression “we are not on the same page” at some point in the past, when someone is talking about their relationship. Perhaps you were the one saying it or perhaps you were on the receiving end of it. It is an expression used often when people...
