Entertainment Industry Reveals Our Sexual Nature

One of the beauty’s of art is that it provides an acceptable space for certain feelings, ideas and truths to be expressed in a form that is not judged. In fact, there are certain things that are applauded when expressed through art, but when said out loud, it is the...

Creating Attraction: The Male vs Female Energy Polarity

In this generation, people are more confused about gender than any other time in humankind before. Men do not know how to be men and women do not know how to be women. Added to this, men do not know what women like. And women are confused about what men like. It’s all...

Who is the prize in a relationship?

We’ve often heard the phrase “she’s the prize”. It is a phrase that sets the foundation of the mindset that both men and women have in regards to dating. So it is important for us to unpack that belief to find out how far it is true and how far it is a myth.  ...

If Every Partner Is ‘Trash’ Then So Are You

One of the biggest issues in the dating world is the inability to self-reflect and constructively criticise oneself with the aim of improving the quality of your dating strategy. People would rather solely put blame on the people who have wronged them, rather than...

Women Should Not Prioritise Career Over Family

One of the biggest lies that people are told is that money brings happiness. We are sold a myth that being cattle-bots for the economy will also align with our own personal pursuit for fulfilment. This goes for both men and women. But it is doubly deceptive for women,...